ab | Abstract | |
a/g pl | Above ground Pool | |
ac | Acre | |
a/c | Air Conditioning | |
Actv | Active | |
AICUZ | Air Installations Compatible Use Zones | |
Alm | Aluminum Siding | |
APPR | Agency Approved | |
APT | Apartment | |
ASB | Asbestos Siding | |
ASM | Assumptions | |
ASRSV | Assigned Parking | |
Atfn | Attic Fan | |
Att | Attached Garage | |
ba | Bath | |
Balc | Balcony | |
Bb | Baseboard Heat | |
Bch | Beach | |
bd; br | Bedroom | |
bkporch | backporch | |
Bkyd | Fenced Backyard | |
bldrs redo | builder’s renovation | |
blt | built-in | |
Bot | Boat Slip | |
Brk | Brick | |
Brkf | Breakfast Area | |
Bsmt | Basement | |
Bulk | Bulkhead | |
Bung | Bungalow | |
3 | 3 Bedrooms | |
4/3 | 4 Bedrooms/ 3 Bathrooms | |
4/3/2 | 4 Bedrooms/ 3 Bathrooms / 2 car Garage | |
1C, 2C | 1 or 2 car Garage | |
1 LV, 2 LV | 1 or 2 Living Levels | |
cac | central air conditioning | |
CAM | Common Area Maintenance | |
Cape | Cape Cod | |
Cbl,Cblh | Cable/Hookup | |
Cdrcl | Cedar Closet | |
Cen | Central Air | |
Cer | Ceramic Tile | |
CFan | Ceiling Fan | |
Chn | Chain Link Fence | |
Cldsc | Cul-de-sac | |
Clap | Clapboard Siding | |
Clbhs | Clubhouse | |
Clus | Cluster | |
Cnl | Canal | |
Col | Colonial | |
Cont | Contemporary | |
CPT | Carpet or Carport | |
Crk | Creek | |
Cnr,Crnr | Corner | |
Crwl | Crawl Space | |
Cth | Cathedral Ceiling | |
CVAC | Central Vacuum | |
Cvga | Converted Garage | |
crprt | Carport | |
c-fan | Ceiling Fan | |
cent h/a | Central Heat & Air | |
CW/CD | Clothes Washer / Clothes Dryer | |
Deco | Decorative Fence | |
DEDRS | Deed Restrictions | |
Det | Detached Garage | |
DhkpP | Dryer Hookup | |
Dk | Deck | |
DLM | Seller Disclaimer | |
DLO | Seller Disclosure | |
dbl | Double | |
d/w | Dishwasher | |
Dog | Dock | |
Dog | Dog Run Fence | |
Dr | Dining Room | |
Dry | Clothes Dryer | |
Dsp | Garbage Disposal | |
DWF,DWAC | Deep Water/Access | |
EFPP | Eviction Foreclosure Prevention Program | |
ELE | Electric | |
ELV | Elevator | |
END | End Unit | |
E-Rng | Electric Range | |
Exr | Exercise Room | |
Farm | Farmhouse | |
fdr | Formal dining room | |
Ffbr | First Floor Bedroom | |
Fha | Forced Hot Air | |
Fha/VA | Qualifies for FHA/VA | |
Flr | Floor Furnace | |
fin ll | Finished lower level | |
fm rm, or fr | Family Room | |
fml | Formal | |
fncd yd | Fenced Yard | |
f-bmt | Finished Basement | |
Foyr | Foyer | |
Fp, Fpl | Fireplace | |
Fpgas | Gas Fireplace | |
FR | Family room | |
Frog | Finished Room Over Gar | |
Full | Fully Fenced | |
fplc | Fireplace | |
f/a ht or fah | Forced Air Heat | |
FSBO or Fisbo | For Sale By Owner | |
FXR | Fixer Upper | |
gar | Garage | |
g/a | Garage, Attached | |
garb | Garbage | |
GAR | Garage | |
GAROP | Garage Door Opener | |
GLF | Golf Course | |
Gmt kitchen | Gourmet kitchen | |
GRNO | Ground Maintenance | |
G-RNG | Gas Range | |
HBR | Harbor | |
HIST | Historical District | |
HP | Heat Pump | |
HPWA | Water/Air Ht Pump | |
HRS | Horses Allowed | |
HTUB | Hot Tub | |
HW | Hot Water | |
hvac | Heating, Ventilation; Air Conditioning | |
IGSP | In-Ground Sprinkler | |
Ingrd pool | inground pool | |
INLW | In-Law Suite | |
INT | Intercom | |
JTUB | Jetted Tub | |
LFT | Loft | |
lrg | Large | |
liv rm or lr | Living Room | |
MAR | Marble | |
MBA | Master Bedroom w/Bath | |
MBRFP | Master Bedroom w/FP | |
MCOA | Min $ on Assumption | |
Meik | Modern eat-in kitchen | |
Mk | Modern kitchen | |
mo | Month | |
MOPOA | Monthly POA Fee | |
MRSH | Marsh | |
Mstr | Master bed room | |
MSN | Masonry | |
Mtg | Mortgage | |
MULTI | 3+ Car Garage | |
MWV | Microwave Oven | |
NAM | Subdivision Name | |
nat gas ht | Natural gas heat | |
nbd | Neigborhood | |
NGS | Natural Gas | |
NONQ | Non-Qualifying | |
NTV | Notice to Vacate | |
OA | Owner Agent | |
OGN | Ocean | |
of | Owner Financing | |
OFC | Office/Study | |
OFF | Off Street Parking | |
OP | Occupancy Permit | |
OVER | Oversized Garage | |
OWN | Owner Financing | |
PAN | Pantry | |
PAR | Partially Fenced | |
PAT | Patio | |
PERM | Perm Attic Stairs | |
PGS | Propane | |
PICK | Picket Fence | |
PILE | Pilings | |
PL-A | Above Ground Pool | |
PL | Pool house | |
PL | Swimming Pool | |
PL-1 | In-Ground Pool | |
PLAY | Playground | |
PMP | Well Pump | |
POA | Prop Owners Assoc | |
POR,POR-S | Porch/Screened | |
prop ht | Propane Heat | |
PRQ | Parquet | |
PRTL | Partial | |
PRV, pvcy fence | Privacy Fence | |
PURD | Planned Unit Residential Development (zoning term) | |
NTV | Notice to Vacate | |
R/OPT | Rent w/Opt-Buy | |
RAD | Radiant Heat | |
RDR | Radiator | |
REC | Recreation Room | |
REF | Refrigerator | |
REL | Related to Seller | |
RNCH | Ranch | |
rv prkg | RV Parking | |
RVR | River | |
SAT | Satellite Dish | |
Scrnd porch | Screened porch | |
sec dep | Security (Amenity) | |
sec | Security System | |
SECSY, sec sys | Security System | |
SEW,SWR | Sewer | |
SFIN | Seller Finance Opt | |
SFT | Water Softener | |
SHNG | Shingle | |
SHOP | Workshop | |
SKY | Skylights | |
SLT | Slate | |
sn | Senior | |
SMP | Sump Pump | |
SPC | Drive parking spaces | |
SPDED | Special Warranty Deed | |
SPLT | Split-Level (Sty) | |
sr | Security Deposit | |
s-mb | Split Master Bedroom | |
spklr | Sprinkler System | |
sq ft | Square Feet | |
sd/w | Storm Doors & Windows | |
STA | State | |
STOR | Assigned Storage | |
STR | On Street Parking | |
SUN | Sun Room | |
TEN | Tennis Court | |
TOWN, Th | Town House | |
TOD | Transite Oriented Development | |
TRAD | Traditional (Style) | |
TRAN | Transitional | |
TRC | Trash Compactor | |
TRSH | Trash Pickup | |
Txs | Taxes | |
U/g sprk | Underground sprinkler system | |
UNO | Unit Number | |
UTCL | Utility Closet | |
UTLVL | Utility Room Level | |
UTRM | Utility Room | |
VYL | Vinyl | |
WAR | Warranty Plan | |
WBS | Wood-burning stove | |
WF | Waterfront | |
WDSTV | Wood Burn Stove | |
WHF | Whole House Fan | |
WHKP | Washer Hookup | |
WIN | Window/Wall Unit | |
WINDT | Window Treatment | |
WLKIN | Walk-in Closet | |
WOD, WOODD | Wood, Wooded | |
w/o | walk-out | |
WSH | Washer | |
WTR | Water | |
w/w cpt | Wall To Wall Carpet | |
w/d | Washer/Dryer | |
w/d hkup, or w/d con | Washer/Dryer Hookup | |
wtr pd | Water Paid | |
wbfp | Wood burning Fireplace | |
wd | Wooded yard | |
wdstv 4 | Woodstove | |
wd pnl | Wood Panelling | |
yd | Yard |
Real Estate Tools

Trade Area Reports
A trade area is a defined geographic area which generates the majority of its customers. Figuring out the size and scope of a trade area is a vital piece of the puzzle, because these boundaries help determine how we can measure the number of possible customers, their demographics, and their spending power. Knowing a community’s customer base allows commercial agents and RPR users to approximate how much demand there is (or will be) for stores and services.
This basically means: how many people (shoppers) are in a given area and how much do they spend on products and services? Knowing this data goes a long way in determining whether your clients’ business is a good fit for success and growth.
Contributing Trade Area Factors
Many factors go into determining trade areas, especially when you’re trying to map out convenience versus destination shopping habits. Some things to consider:
- Population size: The bigger the community, the bigger the trade area.
- Nearby competitors: The cutoff point where customers are drawn to a competing area.
- Destinations: Big box stores or discount department stores usually attract customers from a long distance.
- Business mix: A cluster of popular businesses tends to pull customers from a distance.
- Large employers: A business with lots of daytime employees means lots of lunch, snack and beverage dollars being spent.
- Traffic: High traffic areas, either by foot or by vehicles, typically have an impact on visitors and sales.